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Get to know me

Who am I?

I am a Art director from Finland, with 7 years of working experience in Design agency in Japan. I was born in Thailand, and and grew up in Turku, Finland.


I went to an elementary school in Turku, high school and university in Helsinki. I have a bachelor degree in Marketing and Online media from Arcada University of Science. Our study was focused on creative content development and concept planning. Before my university I also studied Visual Communication for 3 years in a Swedish vocational institute called Prakticum in Helsinki where my study was focused on photography and videography.

Language skills

I speak fluently in Swedish, English, Finnish, Thai, Japanese and catching up with Norwegian.

Why work with me?

I enjoy speaking with people. Understanding their language makes me understand their culture. This gives me a chance to build a deeper relationship with the people around me. Do you want to expand your business to the world market? I can help to convert your IDEAS into DESIGN and make your business run effectively with happy customers. Let us have a chat. :)

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